DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to curse on this blog. If you are offended, too f$%&ing bad. As a result, content might not be appropriate for small children.

Also, my spelling is terrible ... even with spell check. I apologize in advance for any errers.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Little Blood Never Hurt Anyone

What a difference a week makes! I'm feeling so much better. The sores in my mouth have healed and I'm back on solid foods again. I made up for lost time last night by going to Macaroni Grill (the closest thing we have to an Italian restaurant in Lancaster County) and eating my share of four ... count them ... four loaves of bread! And that was before appetizers and dinner!

It's all a big change from the first week post-chemo. I was miserable and I had the blood work to prove it. Even though I'm finished with chemotherapy, I continue to get routine blood work to make sure nothing is out of whack. And I still get to visit the Chemo Lounge each Wednesday, but I don't have to sit for poison. I'm simply there for a red cell booster shot and to say hi to Kristin and my friends.
When last week's blood work arrived it was no surprise my platelets were 12. Supposed to be 100, I've rocked a low of 6, but 12 is pretty damn close to the bottom. It's no wonder my nose was bleeding like a coke addict on a bender. I called Chris the morning of the blood work and said to him, "Guess what my platelets were?" He promptly replied, "Twelve." So I just assumed he had looked up the results on the computer himself. But he didn't - that was just his educated guess. Hit it right on the head! That's how good he is!!

Then my genius husband goes on to explain how he came up with that number. He said when one nostril bleeds, he knows the platelets are below 30. When two nostrils bleed, the number will be lower than 20. When they both bleed and I can't get them to stop, he estimates the platelets are below 15. Given the amount of tissues I had shoved up my nose that week, he figured a 12 - and he was right! That's just one reason doctors go to 13 extra years of school - they can do parlor tricks like, "Guess My Age, Guess My Weigh, Guess My Platelet Level." Comes in handy at parties.

So with platelets of 12 and constant nose bleeds, basic tasks become life threatening situations. My hair is growing back ever so slightly, so shaving my legs is back on the To Do List. I have the 5 blade women's razor for that "extra close touchable shave." It also shaves some money out of your wallet when you have to buy replacement blades. I hear people are taking out small loans just to get a 6 pack of the Schick Quatro - and that only has 4 blades.

Well, one of my 5 blades nicked my knobby knee. I didn't feel a thing, didn't notice a thing until I got out of the shower and it looked like Tanya Harding had taken a iron pipe to my knee. It was dripping blood. That's what platelets of 12 will get you. No more chemo, just a couple of fun side effects to ride out until I'm back to my old self.

Old self ... here I come. I hope you are as much fun as I remember!