DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to curse on this blog. If you are offended, too f$%&ing bad. As a result, content might not be appropriate for small children.

Also, my spelling is terrible ... even with spell check. I apologize in advance for any errers.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

I'm Still Alive

Ironic that you all know I survived cancer but I feel I have to title this blog post is I'm Still Alive. This blog has been my life line for the last 18 months. You all have been dedicated readers and staunch supporters. Then, as soon as I'm well, I abandon you.

My apologies.

I don't have an excuse. I'm too busy living? I'm so over the blog? I don't care if you check everyday to see if there's an update? No, none of those are true. I don't really have an answer. I feel maybe I'm just not compelled to keep stringing you all along. I'm well. I don't have cancer anymore. I'm not bald anymore. I'm not sick anymore. Why would a well person have a blog??

The first problem with the thought of discontinuing the blog is .... I still have so much to say. (Shocker!) I have blog posts swimming in my mind. Did you know I paid an extra $500 for a private room at Sloan Kettering. And the only private room available was the Obese Patient Room. Hysterical - wait until you see the pictures of the toilet bowl. I have "Cancer Clothes" which I will continue to wear proudly despite being cancer-free. I ran (walked) the Relay for Life - this Survivors' Lap was real for me as an actual survivor. So much to tell ... funny pictures to share. This story is not over.

Hang in with me. Life (sleeping late, getting my nails done, going to the pool) gets in the way of blogging. But I promise, there are laughs and tears yet to share. Thank you for coming on this journey with me. You don't know how much it has meant to me.
