DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to curse on this blog. If you are offended, too f$%&ing bad. As a result, content might not be appropriate for small children.

Also, my spelling is terrible ... even with spell check. I apologize in advance for any errers.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Two Tests Down ... The Big One To Go

This is a big week and I've been a little stressed. Yet as my mother says, "Fearful anticipation is worse than realization." We have great results already. The MRI of the brain was negative - thank goodness. Plus, I also had the PET Scan today - it too showed nothing. I feel very relieved about that. We expected to see nothing, but it always feels good to get the confirmation. I've had both tests before so I knew what to expect - that always helps. Tomorrow is the Spinal Tap - or Lumbar Puncture as the real people call it. I have never had one of these and I'm a little scared. I'm afraid it might hurt and I'm afraid of a potential "spinal headache." I no control over any of these things so I'm just putting it in God's hands. And it will all be over by like 3 o'clock tomorrow. Just have to get to then. I can do that.

The hCG dropped. From 16 last week to 6.8 this week. Why does that happen? What is the rhyme or reason for the increase and decrease? I'm happy it went down, I'm just confused as to why sometimes it goes up and sometimes it goes down.

So many prayers, so many extra masses, so many candles lit. I can't tell you how many people have gone above and beyond for me this week. Thank you. The notes and prayers and love keep me from spinning out of control.

More tomorrow...