DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to curse on this blog. If you are offended, too f$%&ing bad. As a result, content might not be appropriate for small children.

Also, my spelling is terrible ... even with spell check. I apologize in advance for any errers.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Quick update: no chemo yesterday, the platelet level was back up, but I had a massive blood clot in my arm around the mediport. I've been admitted into the hospital. We got the clot to break up. I will have to be here for 3 more days until they thin my blood out. i'm a little bummed and in a little pain, but we are dealing. St. Patricks Day: Lancaster General Hospital Style.

p.s. - we shaved my head on tues.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Meet the Girls

When Chris and I typically refer to "The Girls" we mean the K-9's. Barlie is now 7, Molly (the terror) is 5. But since I picked up my wigs, there are new girls in town. I'm using the Original Girls for inspiration.

Here they are. I've named them. The one in the middle will be the "go-to" wig. It is exactly like a haircut I've had before. I think that's the one I will wear the most.
When I was in college and my girlfriends and I would go out, we would all pick different names. Sort of an alter ego. Or just a go to name and fake phone number we would spit out if a creeper wouldn't leave us alone. So my name was Sarah. Not that interesting, I didn't go with something sexy like Veronica or off-color like Bubbles. But Sarah seemed to work. I'm calling the middle wig Sarah.

The one on the right is wig #2. It's longer, like chin length. We're not going to be fooling anyone. On TV, I'm going to go from pixie to chin length in an instant. However, I thought this one was Rachel-esque, from Friends. If only my face would look like Jennifer Aniston's when I put this wig on - that would be a transformation. So this is Rachel.

Then there is the red one on the left. It doesn't look like much there (I put it on a water bottle - I didn't need three fake heads at home), but when I put it on - it is something! My eyes literally change color. So this will be the play thing, sassy and a little naughty. So given it's color and "attitude" I'm naming this one Molly. I think the dog would be honored if she understood. She's not the smart one though, that's why we always say to her "You're so pretty." So Molly it is.

Then Emily Forrey signed me up at this wonderful organization that sends awesome headwraps and good wishes to women experiencing hair loss because of illness. So I have my first stylish wrap ... in pink no less! Right up my alley.

I think we're going to be okay.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow ... or maybe Wednesday

I feel like I'm flexing the muscles of my skull in an effort to keep the hair attached. It's not working.

The shit is falling out. And I think it's hysterical. If you put your forefinger and your thumb together on a bit of hair ... and pull ever so slightly ... you end up with a good amount of hair between your fingers that was seconds before attached to my head.

I showed Chris on Friday. I said, "Look at this! (pluck, gasp, giggle!)" Chris said, "Wow! That's crazy. Can I try?" And he did ... in a different spot at least. I think we're having fun with it.

So this is what the drain looked like this morning.
All that hair, just from my head. My pillow is not much better. I was only in the shower for like 3 minutes because the more water I was running on my head, the more hair I could feel sliding down my back. Better to get in and get out. 
We were legitimately trying to go to church this morning - it being Lent and all. Plus I have so many wonderful friends at church who check in on me and want to know how I'm doing. It's like religion with a side of social hour.

But after my mere 3 minute shower, I knew we were never going to make it to church. My gut is simply not cooperating. I had terrible stomach pain again. So I retreated to the bed, curled up in the fetal position and stayed there for hours. I didn't even blow dry my hair - which means the little bit that I still have is sticking straight up. I wasn't too disappointed about not drying it though. Whenever I hold the dryer in one place for too long, I notice the hair that was there drifting off in the other direction. So, no Church, no primping, lazy day. I might try to keep what's left on my head for work Monday and Tuesday. After that, it might be time for a razor. Eek. (so not there yet emotionally)

But thanks to my fabulous friends I have food and delicious cookies to eat. Tons of gossip magazines. Dozens of hysterical greeting cards! (My fave is from Jamie Burkholder)

In addition to reading my cards ... Chris and I did explore The Story of Farts today. Marla and JR Rogers sent the book The Gas We Pass after I mentioned the Everyone Poops book. I didn't know it had a gas companion, but it does!! Marla said every good home library has this book! Plus she added the Holes in Your Nose to our collection too. I'm putting them both on the Medical Book section of the shelf next to Chris' Anatomy and Physiology text books.

(Has another sister book called Breasts!)

The one thing the nose book doesn't mention is the constant dripping during chemo. But have no fear, Stephanie at the wig shop - a 3 year Breast Cancer Survivor - filled me in. She urged me to keep a tissue up my sleeve. "Like your grandmother used to." Well, Great-Grandma Phyllis did always have a tissue up her sleeve. When I asked why, she explained that the HAIR IN YOUR NOSE FALLS OUT TOO! So there's little there to catch the snot. Hence the tissue. And she's right. I'm full of dripping snot!