DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to curse on this blog. If you are offended, too f$%&ing bad. As a result, content might not be appropriate for small children.

Also, my spelling is terrible ... even with spell check. I apologize in advance for any errers.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

It Takes a Village

I'm not a big Hillary Clinton fan, but the Secretary of State might be right on this one. It does take a village ... if not to raise a child, at least to get through Cancer. Given a village of my own, I always thought there's a chance I could be the Idiot. But it turns out my village is so kind no one would call me the Village Idiot ... at least not to my bald face!

So so so so so many people have helped, are helping, continue to offer to help, are looking for some way to help. I'm so overwhelmed by the generosity of people who are really very, very busy and have their own lives to worry about. Every time I hit the mailbox there are wonderful and hysterical cards. My friend Todd who I know from work and his family took a break from the hysterical get well cards they've been sending and went with the Easter theme. He double dog dared me to put this one on the blog. I don't easily bend to dares ... but this card had me in stitches ... so me and my two dogs (double dog) are taking the dare.

"Wowee," thought Myrtle, "Somewhere there's a chicken with a really sore vajyajya!"
ONLY in America can you get a greeting card with the word vajayjay on it! Classic! Thanks Todd and fam!
This sickness sucks, but the cards are so great! It's like better than Christmas card season or even Wedding RSVP season! When we were engaged, I loved nothing more than going to the mailbox to see who cleared their schedule to come to our wedding and reply with a resounding YES and who was going to miss the event of the year ... their loss. I still saved all the Yeses with the fun notes from people. I'm a pack rat, and some day I will sit down and go through all those response cards and remember who loved us!

It's the same with these cards. It's like a little ray of sunshine every time I get an envelope. People write the funniest stuff too ... not a single card has been blue or depressing ... all upbeat and perky which helps keep me that way.

When Jackie came to visit she helped me hang some of the cards. After stringing up dozens of them, she took a step back, looked at the loot and said in her perfect Jackie way, "Geez, if only people weren't so damn selfish and they would just send you a card!" Sarcasm has always suited her!!

Can you see the one front and center with the large man playing golf on the beach that says, "Geez, I hope this visor doesn't make me look fat!" Kills me every time!!
Jackie's sense of humor is another ray of sunshine. Through two bouts of cancer and other unfortunate situations, Chris and I have cancelled about 25 vacations over the last couple of years. We had grand plans for Mexico with the Salvos, we were headed to Puerto Rico when we had a work conflict, three weeks ago we should have been in Antigua. Check out where we would have stayed. Better than Lancaster?? Um, yes! Blue Waters, Antigua But in grand Jackie fashion, she provided us with some sunshine alternatives:

Fun in the Sun Activity book! Complete with our friends already the beach! That's Stephen on the surf board. Ben is in a boat inside, even Tracy, Action Jackson and New Baby Noah are on our tropical adventure!

Let's be honest, when you need a good laugh, you need a village full of funny people. Thanks for being my village!

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