DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to curse on this blog. If you are offended, too f$%&ing bad. As a result, content might not be appropriate for small children.

Also, my spelling is terrible ... even with spell check. I apologize in advance for any errers.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

I've had cancer so long and been blogging for so many months, I can't remember what I wrote before. I'm pretty sure, the last time I lost my hair, I used Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow as the title. It goes to show you, I'm really not that creative.

Lost my hair for the second time. The first time was traumatic, this time was just dramatic. Chris was in Dallas for a conference. I had hoped that my hair follicles would hold on until he got home. No such luck. I took a shower that morning and just the force of the water alone was enough to detach my hair from my head. When I first stepped under the stream of water I could feel hair leaving my head and trailing down my back. At first I was creeped out but then I realized it was just locks flowing down my body toward the drain. It was then that I made the decision to just do it - use the water to its full advantage. I kept putting my hands through my hair under the water until there was very little left. I did open the shower curtain halfway through to get a look at the damage. And man did it look damaged! I had bald splotches where I had concentrated the water and then other sections still full of hair. Would have been a great freaky look for Halloween, but not for life, so I just kept washing my hair away.

This was the result of the shower-hair-removal-method.

Not the cleanest job, that's for sure! Look at those bangs! They just wouldn't let go. And the sideburns - I mean, c'mon! So it wasn't a total success, but I wouldn't call it a total failure either. I had to have Chris shave it again, to clean it up a bit, but it took like 6 days to get to that. You would be amazed how little you get done on days when you literally have nothing to do!

This is what was left behind. Now, if you have a problem with clogged drains - like we do - I don't recommend this method. You're sure to be bathing in ankle deep water because nothing goes down that drain after you do this. But like I said, I didn't have much of a choice after the power of the water made the locks leave.

Let's talk about something else important - how fucking dark that hair is?? I am a blonde, right? I mean, it's not my imagination that it says blonde on my license and that I act like a total ditz half the time. I've never actually dyed my hair - too expensive, have to sit at the salon too long - but I've been rocking Sun-In like a champ for decades. (Compare $3 bottle from CVS versus $150 dye job every 8 weeks. Sun-In wins every time.) So I've always had a little peroxide help but that hair looks black!

In anticipation of losing the lovely locks, I had Ronda take my picture again. It's clear I'm not one to run away from a camera. Plus, Ronda loves a muse. So it's a win-win and I wanted to document my cute pixie do before it left. So this is three months worth of hair, post-chemo. If I'm lucky, it might be like this again in about April.

Note: Ronda loves taking pictures by our stone wall. It really does make for a fun back drop. The best part of this picture? Not only is my hair a work in progress but so is the wall. Look closely, our new mason was about 75% done repointing the cement that holds those beautiful stones in. So the bottom half is finished, that top foot or two is still loose and cement-less. Thankfully Hurricane Sandy had already passed through and none of the stones fell on my head. Love a good photo shoot and love the wall after it's been secured in place for another 60 years.
 The hair looks a little blonde here, right? It's definitely lighter on my head than it was in the bottom of the tub! Everyone kept saying it looked like I had frosted tips. Darker at the roots, lighter at the ends. No matter what color it was, I was happy to have it on my head.

So happy ... I couldn't keep my eyes open! I like to include the fuck-up pictures so you know I'm not a total narcissist. I can't take myself seriously, so you shouldn't either.

Bald is in ... at least in my house anyway. And again, the silver linings ... now I take a really quick shower and I don't have to shave my legs ... because that hair fell out too! There's always an upside!

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