DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to curse on this blog. If you are offended, too f$%&ing bad. As a result, content might not be appropriate for small children.

Also, my spelling is terrible ... even with spell check. I apologize in advance for any errers.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I'm Hospital Happy!

Wow, what a difference a little bitching makes!

Just returned home from my two day infusion at LGH and it was like a different world! After 5 hour, 5 1/2 hour then a 6 1/2 hour wait for chemotherapy the last three times, this time the staff had the juice dripping 2 hours and 20 minutes after I arrived. A totally acceptable amount of time considering all that has to happen.

I was pissed last time. Marcia was flabbergasted. My sister was here for the 6.5 hour wait and just couldn't understand the delay. So the Monday after that hospitalization, I visited the Infusion Center at the Health Campus. One of the head pharmacists, Ryan, sat with me for more than a hour explaining how this chemo system works, why it's mixed at an off-site location, how long it takes to mix, to have the drugs couriered to the hospital. Let's be clear, it's a slightly fucked up and convoluted system. But understanding all the parts of the system helps me.

They promised to try harder. I promised to keep my anger in check and thanked Ryan for taking the time to talk to me. Squeaky wheel gets the grease sometimes. We arrived to the hospital at 8 am, my pre-meds were dripping at 9:30 and the chemo started to drip at 10:40. Huge improvement over 4pm, huh?

So this latest hospital admission was a success. Marcia was my special guest. What would I do without her? She picked me up at my house at 7:30am and slept with me at the hospital all night and didn't leave till 1 this afternoon. She an angel on earth and I so enjoy her company. We talk non-stop, about everything. We should both have laryngitis by now. Plus having her sleep over was like being in college all over again. It was fun to have a roommate! Marcia's the best and I love her.  

Another week down, lots more to go. But slow and steady wins the race and someday, someday I'll be cancer-free. Then you can spend your time reading the Onion.com rather than this drivel.

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