DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to curse on this blog. If you are offended, too f$%&ing bad. As a result, content might not be appropriate for small children.

Also, my spelling is terrible ... even with spell check. I apologize in advance for any errers.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Groundhog Goodness

It's now been a year since I've been diagnosed with cancer. It would typically be hard as February 2nd approached, but not for me. I have this man, Michael Everhart, and a legion of Groundhogs who have been supporting me and praying for me and rooting for me and I think drinking some beers in my honor for the past year. With all that love, of course I'm gonna survive!

As Groundhog Day 2013 approached, there was no doubt I would be partying at the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge. In fact, this year would be even better ... I could actually go and party instead of having to file reports. Plus, the icing on top was Chris - because it was a Saturday this is the first year he had ever ventured down to the festivities. I knew it would blow his mind: fun, smart, upstanding members of our community, dressing up, drinking well before noon and playing with a stuffed rodent. What's not to love??

I was so moved though when the men paraded through the covered bridge by brigade to the Hibernating Governor and I saw the back of Mike's white coat. He had a sign that said simply <2.0 - I'm sure most people didn't have a clue what that meant. But I know and Chris knows and Michael knows and that's what he's been hoping for for me since last year. It was a shock to see how many people care and how much they care.


You know me, never one to shy away from attention - I was equally as excited and flattered when they gave us a shout out from the stage, AKA the Pinnacle of Prognostication. Not to mention that no fewer than 6 Groundhogs asked Chris if he wanted to be part of the organization. Ummm, yes! (Sorry Ladies, boys only. But what I would GIVE to be the first female Groundhog!! What an honor that would be!! Things to work on after curing cancer ...)

It was a bright sunny day. Chris' friends from work, Jill, Heather, Jenae ... all came out to see if Octorara Orphie would see his shadow. No surprise, he did, so 6 more weeks of winter. No problem though; with friends like these, we could party all winter long.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge and it's families. Your caring is unprecedented and it overwhelms me. I'm so lucky to have such Guardians. Happy Groundhog Day (a little late)! Now here's to 2/2/14!!

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