DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to curse on this blog. If you are offended, too f$%&ing bad. As a result, content might not be appropriate for small children.

Also, my spelling is terrible ... even with spell check. I apologize in advance for any errers.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Back to the Chemo Routine

It's been a hectic week. Yet, after a set back with the platelet level two weeks ago and the blood clot last Wednesday. we're now back on track.

My wonderful sister, Ashley, came from Florida to help take care of me. It's helpful that I have a helper while Chris is at work. He can focus on his patients during the day and Ash can focus on me. I've been so lucky to have so many people be my "special guests" on chemo day.

I had a 2 1/2 hour infusion on Wednesday. They drip anti-nausea medicine and steroids through the medi-port first, then some Benadryl, then the chemo. It's the Benadryl that's my favorite part. I can feel it wash over me, making me drowsy. Before you know it I'm slurring my words and the next thing you know I'm out. How bad could chemo really be if you sleep through it.

I pack this huge "chemo care" bag each time. It's full of food and books and magazines and water and my i-pad. Everything you could need to pass the time. I have yet to dig anything out of the bag because either a). I'm talking the whole time with my special guest (shocking) or b). I'm asleep.

Thursday was the shorter infusion, barely two hours. I did get the shakes again - this time in my legs instead of my arms. So I doubled up on the Vicodin which helps quell the restless leg/limb feelings. It took a little while to kick in. So Ash graciously rubbed my legs which helped. Then we took the chemo pole for a walk up and down the hallway to keep my legs occupied. By the time we did one lap, the chemo was finished.

I feel good today. I'm sleeping like a rock, so that helps. My head gets cold sometimes, but I've received a bunch of great head coverings. I mix and match them with my outfit and my mood. My wigs are good. I'm only really wearing them when I go out in public. The Sarah wig, my go to one is a little itchy and the bangs poke me in the eyes. So I might need Kara, the hairstylist, fix that up for me.

My nephew Alexander came over yesterday and I think he was genuinely freaked out for a little bit. First I had a beanie kind of thing on. Then I said, "Do you want me to take it of?" I guess he nodded, probably more out of obligation that actually wanting to see my bald head. So I showed him my bare noggin' and I think it was a little jarring. I asked if he wanted to rub it and see how it felt, but that was way too much. Just like Meredith, coming on too strong to the boys!

So I put a hat on. We ate dinner. Then I modeled my wigs for him. His response when he saw the first one? "Wow, that looks so much better." Spoken like a true 9 year old. Then when I brought the red one out, he wanted to try it on. By the end of the night I think he felt a little more comfortable and he said we could still be friends. Thank goodness, because he's my love.

Nander, even more of a red head - Mer, with her Chef Boyardee look

1 comment:

  1. Your strength will get you through this Mer!! You are amazing girl!!
