DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to curse on this blog. If you are offended, too f$%&ing bad. As a result, content might not be appropriate for small children.

Also, my spelling is terrible ... even with spell check. I apologize in advance for any errers.

Monday, March 19, 2012

There's no place like home, there's no place like home.

Hi. Sorry I haven't written in a bit. Grandma says she plays Solitaire on the computer every night, checks her e-mail and reads my blog. I assume that because I posted nothing new, Gram, that just gave you more time to play Solitaire.

So I was in the hospital. I'm thrilled to be out of the hospital. I think I was a trooper for a couple of days. Two nights in ICU which is really like being awake for 48 straight hours because they wake you up every 5 minutes. Three nights on the Cancer floor. Better sleeping environment, except for the flashbacks I was having to March 2009 when I spent 14 days in the same exact room. Eerie. It was here on days 5 and 6 that I really started having the shits of it.

However, tonight, I shall sleep in my own bed, cuddle with my husband who will keep me warm and safe, and be flanked on either side by my doggies who will breathe heavily and shed on me. I could not be happier.

The dogs went ape-shit when I got home today. I was gone six days - I could have been on a solo Caribbean vacation for all they knew - it was a long stretch. So you walk in and they are barking and crying and wagging their little tails so fast you think they might fly off. And when their tails get tired of wagging, they move their entire backsides back and forth, just so their tails keep wagging so they know how happy they are to see you.

At least that's what I think they are doing. They might just be looking at me saying, "Good, Bitch is bac!, She'll give us treats for sure!"

Either way, I'm happy to oblige.

There's so much to catch up on. I can't possibly do it tonight. I will fill in the blanks over the next couple of days. But the Cliff Notes version is: Big blood clot all around my port, three little vascular procedures cleared it up in 48 hours, started on blood thinner Coumadin, it takes several days for that to get up and running in your system. I hung out in a hospital room during a glorious 75 degree Spring weekend for the levels to rise. I couldn't take it any longer and Marcia sprung me from jail around lunch time today. (Once we were in the car, I said, "Hit the gas! Don't look back! We're outta here!") She's the best of the best! I'm not in a lot of pain. My arm is sore but not as swollen. I'm just wiped out.

Shaving my head was a hoot in and of itself, so I'll tell you the funny stories about that later. (It's not at all what it looks like on TV and Taylor cannot be relied upon to keep her shit together in a crisis. She was sobbing, I was trying to laugh. Love you, Tayl!)

For now, I'm aiming for sweet dreams and I wish Grandma and all my friends and family the same. Good night from Lark Lane.

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