DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to curse on this blog. If you are offended, too f$%&ing bad. As a result, content might not be appropriate for small children.

Also, my spelling is terrible ... even with spell check. I apologize in advance for any errers.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I'm at Work!!

Yeah! I feel like myself again.

Yesterday I had every intention of going to work. These should be my best days, Monday and Tuesday, Day 13 and 14. But I realized quickly yesterday morning there was no way I could leave my house and be further than a few steps from the bathroom. My job is not one of those where you are always in the office, close the facilities. So I had to make a judgement call pretty early. Yesterday it was not going to work.

But today I woke up perky and my tummy was cooperating. I'm wearing my bright yellow Fillings suit jacket - so my outlook is following suit. It's incredible how much you appreciate your health when it is suddenly not there. I run on all cylinders all the time, so slowing down is painful - physically and emotionally. I never consider getting up, taking a shower and getting ready for work as an actual event. But with a little chemo on board, that "morning routine" is like a mountain to climb. I feel like I need a nap after getting out of the shower and drying off. I put my towel on my head like a turbine each morning. But now, after carrying the weight of the towel around for like 5 minutes, I feel like I need to rest my neck. I get very dramatic very quickly!

Today is Day 14 - the day the hair starts leaving this world. I noticed a few more strands than normal when I ran my hands through the coif this morning. I think it might be a little while longer before I have a problem ... but what the heck do I know.

I did notice this at the mall the other day.
It's a mannequin at the same store that had the bald ones last week. For the record, Beth Walton guessed Forever 21. But Ronda took the cake by guessing Bebe correctly! I think it's hysterical that only after I pick a short hot red wig - now the mannequins are rocking them! I'm totally a trend setter!

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