DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to curse on this blog. If you are offended, too f$%&ing bad. As a result, content might not be appropriate for small children.

Also, my spelling is terrible ... even with spell check. I apologize in advance for any errers.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter! From the Egg Head

I tried to be like the Easter Bunny, but instead of having Energizer Bunny power, I was more of a Hibernating Bunny this weekend. So sleepy.

This is a tougher week, with Day 1 and Day 2 infusions, plus the Methotrexate shots. The shots are so easy that sometimes I forget it's poison. Kristen gives me two of the doses, then Chris gives me the weekend ones. Can you envision Chris coming at me with a sharp needle pointed at my ass cheek?!? I'm facing the other direction when he does it, but you can imagine he might get this look in his eye as he's lining the two up!! To be fair, he's so good that it doesn't hurt at all. He's so good when he puts his hands on my ass! (a little too much?? hehe)

So these shots are kind of a bitch because this drug is the one that causes the Mucusitis - which put me in the hospital for 14 days last time. We're managing it really well right now, but I can feel my mouth throb sometimes and I get nervous that I'm going to have a full blown problem. My first line of defense: sleep. When I'm asleep, I'm typically comfortable and not in pain. If I could sleep this whole damn cancer away ... I would. I never asked Dr. Evans about a medically induced coma while going through chemotherapy, but I might do that this week. Wake me up when my hair starts growing back.

Other than sleep, I have Magic Mouthwash. All I know is it has Lidacane (sp?) in it. In other words, my mouth goes numb and I can't feel a thing. Wonderful! Better living through chemicals. I try not to take this before I'm about to eat a delicious meal because I wouldn't taste a thing and I'd drool all over the plate. But for the occasional "ooh, my mouth and throat hurt" pain, I swirl up some of that stuff. It really is Magic.

This side effect is really just a lot of coughing and spitting and blowing my nose and losing my voice and having a sore throat. Really pretty stuff. But it could always be worse and we're doing fine right now. So while we were 67 last week - we're keeping our eye on the prize this week - and hoping for the best ... even if I hack up a lung before we get there!

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