DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to curse on this blog. If you are offended, too f$%&ing bad. As a result, content might not be appropriate for small children.

Also, my spelling is terrible ... even with spell check. I apologize in advance for any errers.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Peach Fuzz?

Ok, today I am actually a mute.

For some people, they've been waiting for years for me to shut up. Well today, you got your wish. This mouth is giving me a really hard time. I am voiceless right now. My dad called and it was like whispering sweet nothings to him over the phone. I could not project anything audible. Thankfully, he's like me ... he can talk a lot ... so it was a good, albeit mostly one sided conversation.

Given my near-Helen Keller status, I haven't been to work in two days. Mondays and Tuesdays should be my best days and I've making it to work a lot of them. No go this week. What is the point of trying to interview someone if you have no voice in which to ask the questions? Plus, I'm big on the phone at work and I sound like a scary stalker with a breathy voice on the other end of the line. I feel like the potential interviewees will wonder why I'm not asking, "What are you wearing?" rather than, "Can we come interview you?"

It's me and the beasts at home. I'm reading some good books, trying to stay away from the Real Housewives franchise. (That's not true, I hate that show. All the women do is yell at each other. It makes me nervous, like actually anxious watching it.) The girls in my 'hood would make a killer Real Housewives of Lancaster County though! We could have buggy races and throw whoopie pies at each other. It's an untapped resource right now. I think we could make it big.

The only real thing that is big right now is my head. I have lost a total of 4 pounds on cancer. Like really??? You would think I could at least waste away to nothing just in time for bathing suit season. When instead I drop 4 lbs and that was probably just the weight of my hair! So my noggin looks big and it's got some growth too. Peach fuzz. Well, half a scruffy man's beard and half soft peach fuzz. There are two distinctly different kinds of hair growing up there. And after wearing my wig for Easter Dinner, I have a small red rash to go with it.

(Sidenote: I bought 3 wigs. I thought it would be so fun. If I had to do this again, I'd save the money and get just one that does not have bangs that poke you in the face. They are not as much fun as I thought. Plus, they are hot and uncomfortable. Taking it off at the end of the night is like taking off your bra after a long day. You just have to rub around and let the area breathe!)

While there are no Easter Bunny Ears here ... can you see the fuzz?

I've also kept my eye lashes and eye brows so far. Definitely a plus. My eyes are a mess too because they have a mucus membrane that the chemo attacks - not my best look but this is what cancer does to you. Damn Cancer!

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