DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to curse on this blog. If you are offended, too f$%&ing bad. As a result, content might not be appropriate for small children.

Also, my spelling is terrible ... even with spell check. I apologize in advance for any errers.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Aunt Dor: Kick Cancer's Ass, Literally

Alright, after last night's post, I realize I'm a little depressive right now. So I'm trying to regroup today and look at the positive side of mucusitis. I no longer have to have chemotherapy and this is the last time I will feel like this. There are so many wonderful people who have been my cheerleaders throughout this ordeal and they're all lined up meeting me at the finish line. When I feel like shit, I will think of you all and smile (if it doesn't hurt too much).

I was never actually a cheerleader but a recent pick-me-up piece of mail reminded me what I did do in high school:

I love Aunt Doreen. She's my mom's youngest sister and the silliest of the aunts! She's sometimes technologically challenged but with the help of my 13-year old cousin Alison, Dor is making it into the 21st Century. She's been reading this blog and is so proud she mastered that. So I thought we would honor her efforts with a funny post.

People often say "Kick Cancer's Ass!" I'm all for it. You know I'm pro-cursing, so the fact that there's an expletive in there only makes the phrase that much better! It's even ok to say this in public. No one is going to shoosh you when you're making such a profound, anti-cancer statement. But it does get me thinking...
In my case, Kick Cancer's Ass is pretty dead on. Unlike Farrah Fawcett (may she rest in peace) I don't have rectal cancer. But the uterus is in the same general area. (I can't imagine answering that question over and over again. "What kind of cancer do you have?" "Umm, it's rectal cancer. Yes, ass cancer." Ask Joe Mitton. I'm pretty sure that's a South Park episode.)

The other thing is I kept having to get those shots in my rear end. So while Cancer was literally getting me in the ass, I in turn, was trying to kick it in it's ass.

So I had to chuckle when Aunt Dor fished this photo out of the achieves: I know how to kick alright!

This is my Kickline picture from 8th grade, circa 1993. I didn't make the cheerleading squad (thank god, in retrospect) so I settled for the kickline. With 4 feet of leg, I was destined to throw them in the air. The note says, "Mer, Keep up the "Team Spirit!" ... Dor. Love it! I don't know if you can in the pic, but my bangs: atrocious; the gloves: ridiculous; the shiny stockings: if only I got a job at Hooters after this I could have worn them under the short orange shorts instead of the red and white pleated skirt; the blue socks: retarded - it was our last ditch effort at getting some blue in the outfit because once the school's combined we went red, white AND blue. Patriotic Smithtown! And somewhere, there is a picture just like this of Katie Lynch. I'm going to go through the boxes in the basement right now just to find it!
Love the blast from the past and yes, I'm trying to keep up the team spirit! It's good I have such a wonderful team!

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