DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to curse on this blog. If you are offended, too f$%&ing bad. As a result, content might not be appropriate for small children.

Also, my spelling is terrible ... even with spell check. I apologize in advance for any errers.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Big Dig ... in my Uterus

The Plan is in place. I feel calm and confident that we're making a wise choice by going to Boston and having Dr. Gargiulo do the surgery next week.

God is also reaffirming the fact that this tumor must be removed. It's growing again. My recent blood results were 0.7 then 2.2 then 5.3. Yesterday's was 7.4. As my friend Ronda said, "Get that mother out!"

Chris and I will fly to Boston on Tuesday, September 11. (Really, to Boston, on 9/11 and it's a Tuesday. Great, just great.) I have a pre-op meeting and my mom will fly up later that night.

Surgery is scheduled for 7AM, Wednesday, September 12th. It should take about 2 hours. I will not have to stay in the hospital overnight. We will stay at a hotel just around the corner.

Chris will stay with me until Sunday. It means he's missing a lot of work, which is difficult for him, the rest of the staff and most importantly the patients who will have to be rescheduled. But just like my office, OAL has been wonderful and understanding. I need him and everyone knows it. I'll be so thankful that he'll be by my side.

I have to stay in Boston for one week so I can see Dr. Gargiulo for a one week Post-Op visit and have my blood levels checked. Hopefully the hCG will go down as soon as the tumor is gone. My mom will stay with me the remainder of the time after Chris goes back to Lancaster. She too will be missing a lot of work. She's been so thankful to all my "Special Friends" who helped by taking me to and from chemo treatment all those months. Marcia was my right hand man. So Mommy has generously offered to take a week and half off to tend to me now. I'm so happy for the help.

That's the plan. Don't get me wrong, I would rather fly to Aruba and stay in a hotel there for a week, but I hear Boston's operating rooms are beautiful this time of year. I'll just be happy to be rid of this little fucker that's overstayed it's welcome.


  1. Prayers.. prayers... and an amazing Todd cosmo are all waiting for you at the end of this journey. So great to see you last week and couldn't stop thinking how wonderful you look.
    You continue to be in our hearts.

    Dawn, Todd, Olivia and our zoo :)

  2. I love your honesty! Best of Luck and nevermind that its Tuesday - we all have a story for that day - Besides - if anyone looks out of place - harbor the Negative Energy of the "C" and knock the shit out of anything that breathes wrong on your flight!!! :)

    Will say a special prayer for you - of late the list seems longer but prayers are a magnificent power and you definitely deserve the honor!!!
