DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to curse on this blog. If you are offended, too f$%&ing bad. As a result, content might not be appropriate for small children.

Also, my spelling is terrible ... even with spell check. I apologize in advance for any errers.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It's Done

It was a rainy dreary day here in Lancaster today. Appropriate weather for a hysterectomy. I felt like how it looked outside. A bright sun shining day would have fucked with my head even more.

But I was surrounded my sunshine in the pre-op room. My husband, who again successfully juggles being an orthopedic surgeon and the wife of a cancer patient with such grace. The man doesn't even break a sweat. And it was his face I needed to see as they wheeled me back in my glorious Versaid (sp?) high. But he had back-up. Marcia was there with her beautiful smile and even more beautiful disposition. And my wonderful girlfriend Chris Steltz was there to make me laugh, let me cry and encourage the cursing.

The surgery went fine. I feel sore but fine. I'm in a little bit of a morphine haze right now. But morphine is really just a Cosmo in a syringe, right?

I'm okay for three reasons:
1) God meant it to be so and I believe He has a plan
2) I have received excellent medical care from the most wonderful staff ever. It made me cry when Dr. Evans said last week that she was guiding me as a physician and as a friend. We've been through a lot together.
3) You. All. My family, friends and even those people I don't know who say a prayer in my name, who send good vibes through the air and offer virtual hugs and kisses.

I may not have a uterus anymore, but I'm still the most blessed girl in the world.

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