DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to curse on this blog. If you are offended, too f$%&ing bad. As a result, content might not be appropriate for small children.

Also, my spelling is terrible ... even with spell check. I apologize in advance for any errers.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Let's Do This

It's on. It took a little while to get "on" - but the chemo is dropping and will continue for 24 hours.

Mom is here. chris came to visit in between each case in the OR. It felt like a nice treat when he walked in the door. Marcia was here for several hours. The several hours while we had to wait for chemo to bed dropped off at the hospital. That's a story for later.

I'm trying to make this as much like going to the Chemo Lounge as possible. So I'm trying to sit in the BarcaLounger a lot rather than being stuck in the hospital bed. I miss Kristen and my chemo friends, but having Mommy all these hours is such a blessing. She took the picture below.

I'm wearing the great, bright pj's Marcia bought me - the top anyway. It's embarrassing to say I'm not wearing the bottoms because Barlie ate the crotch out of them. Classy, right??

Trying to drink a lot of water and take the anti-nauseau meds. Now we're going to try to get some sleep. Lots more to report but it will have to wait until tomorrow!

Much love!!!


  1. You are such an incredible spirit Mer :))

  2. Hey Girlie! You are so amazing. I've been thinking about you & praying for you so much. I miss seeing your beautiful smile at the beach. Sending you lots of hugs. xoxoxo
