DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to curse on this blog. If you are offended, too f$%&ing bad. As a result, content might not be appropriate for small children.

Also, my spelling is terrible ... even with spell check. I apologize in advance for any errers.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

What a Good Week of Chemo!

See, these are sentences you never think you'll say. But after months of this poison, you learn to appreciate the Good Chemo Weeks. This was one of them.

First, I could get chemo. Nothing like have a "chemo snow day" when it's 98 degrees outside. You want to get this stuff done now, so you don't have to make up a day in August (when it's 110 at this rate. I'm not a Al Gore fan, but after a no-snow winter and these sweltering temps, maybe he's onto something with whole "Global Warming" thing!)

Second, my numbers were good. I don't know which little part of my body makes those platelets. Yet, as soon as they are too low for chemo, that little platelet-making-machine seems to get to work. I went from 23 to 124 in a week. Now that's what I'm talking about.

We gave Marcia a break this week and great friends Angie Speitel and Joe Mitton served as Special Guests. It was packed on Wednesday. And you know me, with an audience and some funny stories before I get the benadryl, I had the room laughing. Who says you can't have fun at chemo? As soon as that drug kicks in though, I start slurring and have to take a nap. I haven't had drink since February, but that Benadryl makes you feel like your drunk. I'm not used to that feeling so early in the morning, but I can make anything fun.

We're looking at just a few more weeks of chemo. It would be great if we could get them in all in a row and just be done. But the chances of that are slim. Because I'm toward the end, now I'm getting really antsy. I just keep reminding myself: one step at a time, keep your eye on the prize.

Trying not to look too far down the road but ... we might opt for surgery post-chemo to remove this nasty little tumor in my uterus. I would hate to leave it in and have Cancer #3 a year from now. Although, the Boston doctor says that might not be necessary. So we are weighing the risk/reward of everything and I'm trying not to be too jealous of all the beautiful pregnant people with their cute growing tummies. All in good time. All in good time.

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